Saturday, January 29, 2011


Clayton Alderfer of Yale University carried out further studies on Maslow’s theory of need hierarchy. He identified three basic needs of human being against five needs of maslow.
These are as under:
(a) E-Existence need - There are related to provision of basic material requirement of human being and are related to Maslow’s Physiological and safety needs.
(b) R-Relatedness - This need is related to desire of an individual to maintain sound interpersonal relationship. It is related to Maslow’s, Social need and External component of Esteem need i.e., status, recognition and attention.
(c) G-Growth - Growth is an intrinsic desire for personal development. It is related to intrinsic component of Esteem Need like advancement, self respect, autonomy, achievement and self-actualization need.
Aside from substituting three needs for five, how does Alderfer’s ERG theory differ from Maslow’s? In contrast to the hierarchy of needs theory, the ERG theory demonstrates that (1) more than one need may be working at the same time, and (2) if the gratification of a higher-level need is stifled, the desire to satisfy a lower-level need increases. ERG theory is more consistent with our knowledge of individual differences among people.
Variables such as education, family background, and cultural environment can alter the importance or driving force that a group of needs holds for a particular person.

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