Saturday, January 1, 2011


Positive attitude: conflicts develop new alternatives in decision making, better communication, constructive organizational change, better relationship outcomes.

Negative attitude: conflicts divert efforts from goal attainment depleting resources, especially time and money.

Balanced attitude: conflicts are sometime desirable and at other times destructive

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Conflict refers to a process in which one party (person or group) perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. Or

Conflict is a disagreement between two or more individuals or groups, with each individual or group trying to gain acceptance of its views or objective over others.
Conflict must be perceived by either of the parties. Stiff opposition due to incompatibility of organizational goals characterizes it. Conflict can also be caused due to difference about interpretation of facts or issues involved. Conflict takes an ugly turn and take a form of violence due to disagreement based on behavioral expectations. It could be covert or overt and can be seen when one observes violent acts of individual in organizations. We define conflict as a disagreement through which the parties involved perceive a threat to their needs, interests or concerns.

A few points are worth reiterating before proceeding:
  • A conflict is more than a mere disagreement - it is a situation in which people perceive a threat(physical, emotional, power, status, etc.) to their well-being. As such, it is a meaningful experience in people's lives, not to be shrugged off by a mere, "it will pass…" 

  • Participants in conflicts tend to respond on the basis of their perceptions of the situation, rather than an objective review of it. As such, people filter their perceptions (and reactions) through their values, culture, beliefs, information, experience, gender, and other variables. Conflict responses are both filled with ideas and feelings that can be very strong and powerful guides to our sense of possible solutions.

  • As in any problem, conflicts contain substantive, procedural, and psychological dimensions to be negotiated. In order to best understand the threat perceived by those engaged in a conflict, we need to consider all of these dimensions.

  • Conflicts are normal experiences within the work environment. They are also, to a large degree,predictable and expectable situations that naturally arise as we go about managing complex and stressful projects in which we are significantly invested. As such, if we develop procedures for identifying conflicts likely to arise, as well as systems through which we can constructively manage conflicts, we may be able to discover new opportunities to transform conflict into a productive learning experience.

  • Creative problem-solving strategies are essential to positive approaches to conflict management. We need to transform the situation from one in which it is 'my way or the highway' into one in which we entertain new possibilities that have been otherwise elusive.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Ways in which individuals translate power bases into specific actions.
  • Reason
  • Friendliness
  • Coalition 
  • Bargaining
  • Assertiveness
  • Higher authority
  • sanctions


  • If used properly power is good to achieve organizational goals.
  • According to lord action:
  • Power tends to corrupt
  • Absolute power corrupts absolutely

Monday, December 27, 2010


Reward power is a positive power which refers to the ability to get things done through others on the basis of one's power to grant rewards.

Coercive power is based on fear and is the ability to influence another person through threats or fear of punishment

 Legitimate power depends on organizational position and authority. It refers to the power conferred by a person's organizational position

Expert power is derived from a person's expertise or specialized knowledge of a certain subject that is perceived as important to the organization

Referent  (Charismatic)
referent power is based on people's identification with a certain individual and their attempt to emulate his behavior. The person who acts as a model for reference has power over the person who emulates his behavior



Power is the Capacity of a person, team or organization to influence the behaviour of others.

Power has been defined as "the ability to influence and control anything that is of value to others." It is the ability to influence the behavior of other people in the organization and to get them to do what they otherwise would not have done.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


stress relates to two categories of events. First the organizational structure and policy and second relating to personal development and growth that the job can provide. Following aspects must be carefully examined and evaluated for its effectiveness and implementation.

(a) Organizational goals must be in realms of achievement. Too much high goals not only put the employees under undue stress but also creates unhealthy work environment.

(b) Organizational polices should be clearly defined with particular reference to training and development, promotion, leave, wages and salary administration, discipline, incentives, etc.

(c) Authority and responsibility must be clearly defined by setting up reporting channels. Principle of unity of command should be adhared to.

(d) Organizational structure, redesigning of jobs and improved communication reduces stress.

(e) Corporate policies, physical work environment should be suitable for higher productivity.

(f) An updated systems and processes increases efficiency.

(g) Management must create an healthy working environment.

(h) Career plan for mangers must be developed and implemented in letter and spirit. Nothing discourages employees as bad developmental programs.

(i) Employees must be empowered. They should be provided with suitable time to time counselling by way of advice, reassurance, good communication, release of emotional tension and clarified thinking. Re-orientation is important to keep employees free of stress for increased productivity.