There are number of dimensions which effect job satisfaction. Value system possessed by an individual and the culture supporting the value system in the organization can be called as an important and basic for job satisfaction. However some of the important factors that determine job satisfaction of the employees in the organization is as under: -
1. Work Content:
Content of the work itself is a major source of satisfaction. The work must be challenging. It should lend itself opportunities to use employee skills, ability and experience. The content of the work should be encouraging and interesting and have variety inbuilt in it so that it is not boring. Positive feedback from the job and autonomy has been considered to be important for motivation of employees. Too tough or job having two little challenge brings frustration and feeling of failure hence the job should be moderately tough so that the individual has to stretch his ability, imagination and skills. Once such job is completed successfully, the workers get a great sense of satisfaction.
2. Pay and promotion policy:
Salary and wages play decisive part in the study of job satisfaction. Equitable rewards are multidimental in nature. The benefits are of varied nature namely pay, perks and rewards are associated with motivation of employees. Pay system and promotion policy of the organization must be just, unambiguous and in line with the prevalent industry norms and employee expectations. Employee wages and salary must ensure him the social status and should be able to fulfill the expectations. Individual must perceive salary administration and promotion policy as being fair. Organization should ensure that their policies are growth oriented and incremental in nature so that employees take on an additional responsibility voluntarily. Apart from financial benefits, organization must provide adequate perks and non-financial benefits so that they are motivated and display high level of satisfaction.
3. Supportive working condition:
Working conditions have a modest but lasting effect on job satisfaction. Due to fast development of technology, it is necessary that the organizations are operating on upgraded technology, latest systems and procedures. The layout of work place must be ideally suited from operational point of view and the employees should display great degree of satisfaction. The place should be neat and clean with necessary facilities as per Factories Act. Light, ventilation, cleanliness, enough space for work, immediate availability of supervision, adequate latest tools and generally good surrounding will definitely add to job satisfaction. If the work place were closer to home, it would add to employee retention.
4. Work group:
The concept of work group and work teams is more prevalent to day.
Work group of multi skilled persons with one goal will be able to function effectively if they are friendly and co-operative. The work group serves as a source of support, comfort, advice and assistance to individual worker. A good work group makes the job more enjoyable. The factor of work group support is essential for job satisfaction.
If the reverse conditions prevail, the people may not be able to get along with each other and the level of job satisfaction will be reduced.
5. Supervision:
Supervision is one of the moderate factors, which affect job satisfaction. Qualified supervisors should be available for advice, guidance and problem solving. Supervisors should be placed close to the place of work and should be available. They should take personal interest in the affairs of employees both on personal and official level. Supervision is related to leadership. In Defence Services the leadership is so proactive that the leader carry on him details of each soldier under his command. The details include dependants of soldier’s family, their economic position, details of children, the class they study, home address and other demographic details, soldier take his boss as guide and philosopher who is always available to him for advice. Such supervision improves the morale and job satisfaction of employees. The concept of supervision has changed. What is in vogue and in practice to day is self-serviced teams and work group. The group prefers more freedom of work in relation to work hours, time management, frequent breaks between work hours and autonomy as long as job is completed in time. Flater organizational structure therefore has come into practice. Steps in command structure have reduced. There is a participative management and work has to meet the established standards in terms of quality and quantity. The levels might have been reduced but not the value of supervision as a factor of job satisfaction.
6. Personality job fit:
Individuals should be assigned the job, that suits their interest.
Recently it has been seen that MBA graduates are satisfied with their job if they get the job related to the “specialisation” they have chosen during the MBA degree.
Persons having analytical approach should be assigned job in R&D department so that their level of job satisfaction increases.