Monday, May 16, 2011


1. Satisfaction and productivity

Based on research carried out in Hawthorne studies, further research to prove that “happy workers are productive” was carried out, which has been proved negative. Based on the conclusion of Hawthorne studies, managers began their efforts to make their employees happier by improving work conditions, providing Laissez-faire type of leadership, expanding various facilities to the workers, but it has been found that there is no direct relationship between happiness and productivity. Robins concluded that productive workers are likely to be happy workers. Further research on the subject suggests that organization having happy workers might have increased productivity. On individual level it may not be true due to complexity of environment, work processes, various systems and sub systems having impact on the individual employee. But it can be said from organizational point of view that organization that are able to evolve such policies that make employees happy bound to have improved productivity. V.H. Vroom3. Productivity is considered as reward for hard work which is due to high level of satisfaction. However globalisation, speed of machines and knowledge explosion, impact of media on workers, social awareness and high expectations of employees to meet social obligations are important factors to ensure high satisfaction level of employees. While evolving industrial practices, above factors should be considered favourably and employee growth achieved so that organizations grow automatically.

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