Wednesday, May 25, 2011


According to Dessler there are following guildlines to implement management system to solve the OC.
Commit to people first value: put it in writing in writing, hire the right kind manager, and walk the talk.

Clarify and communicate your mission: clarify the mission and ideology; make it charismatic, use value based hiring practices, stress value based orientation and traning build the tradition

Guarantee Organizational Justics: have a comprehensive grievance producers; provide for extensive two way communication.

Create a sense of community: Build value based homogeneity; share and share alike, emphasize barn raising, cross utilization, and team work get together.
Support employee development: commit to actualizing; provide first year job challenge, enrich and empower, promote from within, provide developmental activities, provide employee security without guarentees.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Definition (Robbins):
Organizational commitment is the degree to which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.

Organizational commitment is defined as a state in which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals, and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.
Professor John Meyer at the University of Western Ontario and his colleagues have identified and developed measures for three types of commitment:

Affective commitment: An individual’s relationship to the organization: his or her emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in the organization.

Normative commitment:The obligation an individual feels to staying with the organization.

Continuance commitment: An individual’s calculation that it is in his or her best interest to stay with the organization based on the perceived costs of leaving the organization.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


1. Satisfaction and productivity:

 Happy workers are not necessarily productive workers—the evidence suggests that productivity is likely to lead to satisfaction.

At the organization level, there is renewed support for the original satisfaction-performance relationship. It seems organizations with more satisfied workers as a whole are more productive organizations.

2. Satisfaction and absenteeism:

We find a consistent negative relationship between satisfaction and absenteeism. The more satisfied you are, the less likely you are to miss work.

 It makes sense that dissatisfied employees are more likely to miss work, but other factors have an impact on the relationship and reduce the correlation coefficient. For example, you might be a satisfied worker, yet still take a “mental health day” to head for the beach now and again.

3. Satisfaction and turnover:

 Satisfaction is also negatively related to turnover, but the correlation is stronger than what we found for absenteeism.

Other factors such as labor market conditions, expectations about alternative job opportunities, and length of tenure with the organization are important constraints on the actual decision to leave one’s current job.

 Evidence indicates that an important moderator of the satisfaction-turnover relationship is the employee’s level of performance.

4. Organizational citizenship Behaviour:

Discretionary behaviour that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements and is not usually rewarded, but that nevertheless promotes the effective functioning of the organization.

Individuals who are high in OCB will go beyond their usual job duties, providing performance that is beyond expectations.

More recently OCB has been associated with the following workplace behaviours: “altruism, conscientiousness, loyalty, civic virtue, voice, functional participation, sportsmanship, courtesy, and advocacy participation.”

 Recent work by York University professors Sabrina Salamon and Yuval Deutsch suggest that OCB may be a way for individuals to signal to managers and co-workers abilities that might not be immediately observable.

Some evidence, however, suggests that satisfaction does influence OCB, but through perceptions of fairness.

Recent research suggests that OCB can be applied cross-culturally, although the exact form of OCB might be different in non–North American countries.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Locke and Lathan (1976) give a comprehensive definition of job satisfaction as pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experience. Job satisfaction is a result of employee's perception of how well their job provides those things that are viewed as important. According to (Mitchell and Lasan, 1987), it is generally recognized in the organizational behaviour field that job satisfaction is the most important and frequently studied attitude. While Luthan (1998) posited that there are three important dimensions to job satisfaction:

Job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job situation. As such it cannot be seen, it can only be inferred.

Job satisfaction is often determined by how well outcome meet or exceed expectations. For instance, if organization participants feel that they are working much harder than others in the department but are receiving fewer rewards they will probably have a negative attitudes towards the work, the boss and or coworkers. On the other hand, if they feel they are being treated very well and are being paid equitably, they are likely to have positive attitudes towards the job.

Job satisfaction represents several related attitudes which are most important characteristics of a job about which people have effective response. These to Luthans are: the work itself, pay, promotion opportunities, supervision and coworkers.

The job dimensions that account for job satisfaction according to Smith, Kendal & Hulin, are:

  the work itself

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

3. Satisfaction and turnover

It has been found that employees who are not satisfied with their jobs will have high turnover. Employees who are satisfied will not have high turnover. Satisfaction is also negatively related to turnover but the co-relation is stronger than what we found in absenteeism. Employee performance is a moderating factor of the satisfaction—Turnover relationship. In recent times a phenomenon amongst the software engineers whose performance is high; their turnover has been noticed as high because of competition for personal growth. Organization lures the competent person for their organizational growth.
Organization cares for such high performers and their retention. Poor performers do not leave the organization for fear of lack of job opportunity outside.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

2. Satisfaction and absenteeism

There is an inverse relationship between satisfaction and absenteeism. When workers are more satisfied the absenteeism is low. When satisfaction level is low absenteeism tends to be high. There are certain moderating variables like sick leave and degree to which people feel that their jobs are important. Where there is a provision for sick leave, employees would take the benefit and absent themselves. As far as the importance of work is concerned, it has been observed that people attend to their work when it is important to accomplish.
Employees having high satisfaction would not necessarily result in to low absenteeism but those having low satisfaction level would definately have high absenteeism.

Monday, May 16, 2011


1. Satisfaction and productivity

Based on research carried out in Hawthorne studies, further research to prove that “happy workers are productive” was carried out, which has been proved negative. Based on the conclusion of Hawthorne studies, managers began their efforts to make their employees happier by improving work conditions, providing Laissez-faire type of leadership, expanding various facilities to the workers, but it has been found that there is no direct relationship between happiness and productivity. Robins concluded that productive workers are likely to be happy workers. Further research on the subject suggests that organization having happy workers might have increased productivity. On individual level it may not be true due to complexity of environment, work processes, various systems and sub systems having impact on the individual employee. But it can be said from organizational point of view that organization that are able to evolve such policies that make employees happy bound to have improved productivity. V.H. Vroom3. Productivity is considered as reward for hard work which is due to high level of satisfaction. However globalisation, speed of machines and knowledge explosion, impact of media on workers, social awareness and high expectations of employees to meet social obligations are important factors to ensure high satisfaction level of employees. While evolving industrial practices, above factors should be considered favourably and employee growth achieved so that organizations grow automatically.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Factors determining job Satisfaction

There are number of dimensions which effect job satisfaction. Value system possessed by an individual and the culture supporting the value system in the organization can be called as an important and basic for job satisfaction. However some of the important factors that determine job satisfaction of the employees in the organization is as under: -

1. Work Content: 
Content of the work itself is a major source of satisfaction. The work must be challenging. It should lend itself opportunities to use employee skills, ability and experience. The content of the work should be encouraging and interesting and have variety inbuilt in it so that it is not boring. Positive feedback from the job and autonomy has been considered to be important for motivation of employees. Too tough or job having two little challenge brings frustration and feeling of failure hence the job should be moderately tough so that the individual has to stretch his ability, imagination and skills. Once such job is completed successfully, the workers get a great sense of satisfaction.

2. Pay and promotion policy: 
Salary and wages play decisive part in the study of job satisfaction. Equitable rewards are multidimental in nature. The benefits are of varied nature namely pay, perks and rewards are associated with motivation of employees. Pay system and promotion policy of the organization must be just, unambiguous and in line with the prevalent industry norms and employee expectations. Employee wages and salary must ensure him the social status and should be able to fulfill the expectations. Individual must perceive salary administration and promotion policy as being fair. Organization should ensure that their policies are growth oriented and incremental in nature so that employees take on an additional responsibility voluntarily. Apart from financial benefits, organization must provide adequate perks and non-financial benefits so that they are motivated and display high level of satisfaction.

3. Supportive working condition: 
Working conditions have a modest but lasting effect on job satisfaction. Due to fast development of technology, it is necessary that the organizations are operating on upgraded technology, latest systems and procedures. The layout of work place must be ideally suited from operational point of view and the employees should display great degree of satisfaction. The place should be neat and clean with necessary facilities as per Factories Act. Light, ventilation, cleanliness, enough space for work, immediate availability of supervision, adequate latest tools and generally good surrounding will definitely add to job satisfaction. If the work place were closer to home, it would add to employee retention.

4. Work group: 
The concept of work group and work teams is more prevalent to day.
Work group of multi skilled persons with one goal will be able to function effectively if they are friendly and co-operative. The work group serves as a source of support, comfort, advice and assistance to individual worker. A good work group makes the job more enjoyable. The factor of work group support is essential for job satisfaction.
If the reverse conditions prevail, the people may not be able to get along with each other and the level of job satisfaction will be reduced.

5. Supervision: 
Supervision is one of the moderate factors, which affect job satisfaction. Qualified supervisors should be available for advice, guidance and problem solving. Supervisors should be placed close to the place of work and should be available. They should take personal interest in the affairs of employees both on personal and official level. Supervision is related to leadership. In Defence Services the leadership is so proactive that the leader carry on him details of each soldier under his command. The details include dependants of soldier’s family, their economic position, details of children, the class they study, home address and other demographic details, soldier take his boss as guide and philosopher who is always available to him for advice. Such supervision improves the morale and job satisfaction of employees. The concept of supervision has changed. What is in vogue and in practice to day is self-serviced teams and work group. The group prefers more freedom of work in relation to work hours, time management, frequent breaks between work hours and autonomy as long as job is completed in time. Flater organizational structure therefore has come into practice. Steps in command structure have reduced. There is a participative management and work has to meet the established standards in terms of quality and quantity. The levels might have been reduced but not the value of supervision as a factor of job satisfaction.

6. Personality job fit: 
Individuals should be assigned the job, that suits their interest.
Recently it has been seen that MBA graduates are satisfied with their job if they get the job related to the “specialisation” they have chosen during the MBA degree.
Persons having analytical approach should be assigned job in R&D department so that their level of job satisfaction increases.

Friday, May 6, 2011


The study of Job satisfaction is one of most important factors in the study of human
behaviour in the organization. Job satisfaction focuses on employee attitude towards his job. It has three important dimensions:

(a) Job satisfaction can be measured by the emotional response to a job situation, hence it cannot be seen, and it can only be inferred.

(b) Job satisfaction is related to what you actually get as reward and what you expect to get. If the difference between the actual reward and expectation is minimum or negligible them a person will display a positive attitude and if there is wide difference between the two, a person will display a negative attitude towards his job and therefore the satisfaction level will be low.

(c) Job satisfaction is related to job dimensions. These can be expressed in terms of job content, remuneration, attitude of co-workers, and opportunity of growth that job is able to provide in terms of promotion and last but not the least the expert loyal and experienced leadership is available in terms of supervision.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Locke and Henne (1986) defined job satisfaction as the pleasurable emotional state resulting from the achievement of one’s job values in the work situation. According to Mottaz (1987), satisfaction with one’s job reflects a person’s affective response resulting from an evaluation of the total job situation. In sum, the job satisfaction construct can be considered to be a function of work-related rewards and values.